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  1. Implement pervious pavers to prevent flooding & ice in walking areas

    • L-shaped pervious pavers allow water to sink in between bricks

    • There will be less pooled water on walkways

    • In the winter, precipitation and melting from snow will percolate in between the pavers, which will reduce ice on the walkways

  2. Identify & remove invasive plants across campus

    • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Facts: Euonymus and its cousins are a problem around campus grounds. Honeysuckle is pervasive. 

  3. Create an international buddy system

    • ​Pairs incoming international students with domestic students so as to foster friendship 

    • ​This will create a bridge to help share cultures and enrich their knowledge with Ball State diversity

    • This will ideally keep international students at Ball State for the duration of their education, rather than a few semesters. 

  4. Expand Housing and Athletics partnership

    • For certain games, Athletics will offer the opportunity for RAs to sign up willing residents to attend the athletic event. 

    • At the event, there will be specific activites for these housing groups. 

    • At the end of the event, RAs will be given a gift card to continue their program in their hall. 

  5. Invite organizations to spaghetti dinner with SGA

    • Groups of all sizes deserve to be heard, so these groups can have the option to sit down with anyone in the SGA senate to talk about their concerns and opinons heard by the student senate.

  6. Bring the text UPD system to Ball State.​

    • ​This will allow students who do not feel comfortable/are unable to call UPD to send a text about their emergency, resulting in a faster response time than is currently avaliable. 

    • We want to bring awareness to the program, as many students do not know about this option. 

  7. Develop bystander intervention training

    • We want to collaborate with Step In Speak Up in order to promote intervention in unhealthy situations to ensure the student body is protected, safe and happy. 

  8. Grow a Carmichael garden producing foods for dining & Cardinal Kitchen

    • This would grow fresh, local food on campus, which would collaborate with different Ball State organizations and volunteers to produce healthy food options for dining halls and Cardinal Kitchen

  9. Adopt other slate’s points if achievable​

    • ​Momentum is a collaborate slate wanting to better Ball State's campus, no matter where the ideas originate.

    • However, our slate is a new and fresh face to the SGA Executive Board, and we are the best slate to implement these platform points with the passion and background experience we all share. 

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